Friday, October 21, 2005

J.J. Abrams is Alive!!!!

Apparently, he has realized that killing off the one character that brings in female viewers just because having him around set makes Jennifer Garner "icky" isn't the smartest thing. Especially when you've moved to a new time slot.

Yes, people, according to the venerable source TV Guide, Michael Vartan will be coming back this season- at least for a couple of episodes. The writers have said that it won't be flashbacks, either, but they won't comment on how they bring him back from the dead. Not that they don't have experience. That's like a monthly plot line on this show. I'm now taking bets on how many people think he was in exile in Russia somewhere...

On to other news, I don't have a scathingly sarcastic review for you right now. Nor will I regularly for a couple of days. Simple reason- Lupe's exhausted. I will be watching plenty of TV, and writing little reviews about what I think of it (Commander in Chief- Brilliant! Except for the balancing the UN with the grape juice on the pleather in the limo...that was slightly contrived). Tonight's pick is Numbers. But it takes a lot of time and energy to do one of my little CSI rants, and frankly, I just need to watch CSI now. Well, that, and I don't really want to write about Miami last week, with the "wive's weekend", where they're all sleeping with the pool boy and occaisionally with each other's husbands... is it just me or has this season really gotten tacky??? This coming Monday's looks good, though.

NY has been good, but the problem is that I've been spending pretty much all of my free time watching the DVDs of season one, and am starting to get the episodes confused. Well, not really, but details are starting to blur. :) This week's episode was good, though.

One question for people: How do we feel about Aiden's departure and the advent of this pretty little thing fro I-o-way (okay, it's Montana. But whatever.)??? I was okay with Aiden leaving, as her hooched out lips were starting to annoy, (and really, how could you stand in the way of Vanessa Ferilito's white-hot screen career???), but I'm not sure that I really like Lindsay. She's too perky. And not really as young as everyone is proclaiming every six minutes on the show. At least Aiden was safe- you knew the only guy she was gonna go near was Danny, and as far as I'm concerned, he's fair game. I'm more protective of Mac; and Flack- don't even get me started. Hands off, bitch- he's mine!!! ;)

So how do we feel??? Should Aiden have stayed? Do we like Lindsay?

Monday, October 17, 2005

Housekeeping Note:

For the three people who read this religiously, and the one person who tries to but doesn't understand about fifty percent of you, I apologize for not updating in an obscenely long time. You all know why. Really, as much as I love TV, when it comes down to watching and reviewing Lost or sitting with a loved one in their time of need, I'm not a bitch. At least not one that big.

Just a few notes~~~

1.) I'm pissed off at the WB. They cancelled Just Legal. After three episodes when it had to compete with Monday Night Football. I really don't think that's fair.

2.) MLB is still intent on ruining my life. When I turned on the television last Monday to watch Arrested Development (with the three other people in this country doing the same...) I found baseball. The same baseball, in fact, that ripped my precious House right out of my hands. Bastards.

3.) New template. Hope you all like it. I need to keep changing. It makes me happy. Live with it.

Anyhoodles, I'll try to get stuff up this week, k???

Monday, October 10, 2005

Grey's Anatomy and Comment Spam

Note: I had to put up a word verification on this blog too, as I'm really tired of random anonymous spammers trying to save my soul. My soul is just fine, thank you very much. How is yours??? Anyhoodles, please keep commenting, you just type in the word shown below where you sign in. Thank you!!!

So last night I watched Grey's Anatomy for the first time this season. I have been keepingup to date with it via a friend whose life revolves around Sunday nights on ABC, but I digress. Apparently, Cristina decided that abortion was bad, and broke up with Burke, Shephard's wife came back and is being annoyingly sweet to Meredith, who is up to her ears in crap because her mom needed care and came to Seattle General. Yeah, there's nothing like actually having to deal with a sick parent, is there, Meredith???

In last nights episode of the Young and the Brilliant, they think Meredith's mom has cancer. Actually, Meredith hopes she does because then things would be over quickly. This is our heroine??? She sleeps with a married guy and then wishes her mother will die more quickly??? Wow, it makes those hos on Desperate Housewives look nice!!!

And Cristina had some trouble and ended up bleeding out of her fallopian tube, where the baby implanted itself. And baby dies. Kind of a bummer. But Burke came back to see her. The most annoying part was when they were all sitting in Cristina's room and that awful voiceover starts with Meredith saying something inspirational like "You're gonna fall. But you'll be able to have your friends get you up again or something crappy like that...the woman lost her baby! You don't use your friends to get back from that!!! Sheesh.

Anyhoodles, still a guilty pleasure that I undoubtedly will keep watching, but they must lose the voiceover!!!

Will have CSI: Miami stuff up tomorrow...

Sunday, October 09, 2005

J.J. Abrams is Dead to Me

They killed Vaughn. Insert knife here.

I'm trying to convince myself that nobody ever dies on Alias, they just go to live in Russia and be bad, but still. This is looking serious. And Michael Vartan is looking for work. *gasp* Okay, Jennifer Garner is dead to me. To quote that woman from EW "If you kill Vaughn because having him around the set makes you feel all icky, then you've lost my respect." Or something like that.

I just keep repeating to myself "No one dies on Alias. No one dies on Alias. No one dies on Alias." It's not working.

Check my other blog for a hilarious Alias list.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Commander In Chief

Week one of House-deprevation. Not doing well. Managed to survive. Still hate baseball's guts. Moving on...

CSI: Miami kind of sucked this week, essentially ripping off the Natalee Holloway case. Which I thought was in poor taste, even for the CSIs... And I can't parody a dead student story. That's just wrong. So we're gonna wait until next week for this one, okay???

I started watching Just Legal on Monday nights as, please, don't let the fact that it's on the WB dissuade you from watching it. It is a real show, and it's on Mondays at 8 central. And, even though he's put on like a hundred pounds, Don Johnson still looks good. That said, it's a really interesting show! I'm even going to stop watching Two and a Half Men for it!! And, as it averages only three million viewers per week (that's like a tenth of the seasons big shows, just so you know...), we need to start watching this!!! And Arrested Development, dammit!!! If Charlize Theron is on there and you people still won't watch, there's not much I can do, now, is there??? Ahem, sorry, got off track there for a minute. Seriously, folks, the buzz going around is that it's going to be canceled, like Head Cases, after a couple of episodes. Which would suck. So please start watching. I'm begging now. And Arrested Development. That's Mondays at 7.

ANyhoodles, on to the title of the post...with the abscense of House last night, I had an opportunity to watch te ABC show Commander in Chief. Surprisingly, it was quite good. And I'm not one of those "Get a woman in here and the coutnry will be saved" people, so this is quite a stretch for me. But I can see why they picked Geena Davis to play the role. She's gigantic, and imposing, but she's got a huge mouth, which people seem to find comforting (one critic said he looked forward with anticipation to the Jolie administration...). Seriously, think of any woman with a big mouth. Do you like her??? I'll bet you do. I could totally see Blair or Putin being like "Okay, fine, we'll do whatever you want...just don't hurt us, please."

Anyhoodles, she's an independent. Well, isn't that non-partisen for you. Except that all the bad guys are repulicans. Huh. Wonder how that happened??? :p

I mean, the episode was kind of stupid. Makenzie's daughter lost her diary in the move into the White House. Ooooh, and it's got stuff about mom in it. Bummer, huh? But all is well, as the little one (who was so important I forgot her name) simply got it by mistake and proceeded to read the whole thing. Huh. So Makenzie has to be both mom and president and tell the little girl that the diary was Rebecca's private journal, and she shouldn't read it. Awwww....

So yeah, a pretty good series, although her thoughtless "I'm so perfect that I'm practically forcing this guy who hates my guts to be the vice president simply because I think it would be best for the country" is kind of annoying. Except I almost felt patriotic when she went "Tell him his commander-in-chief is calling." Almost. I'll probably watch it for the next couple weeks until House comes back on and then reevaluate it. But people should definately watch...

And then Boston Legal was on, but I didn't really watch it because I was too busy drinking most of my father's drink. Because whenever you have a choice between a manhatten or a tv show, guess what's gonna win???

BTW, I'm not sure I'll have stuff up about the rest of the week's viewing, as I have an incredibly busy weekend coming up. Maybe, because one of my classes is cancelled on Friday, so I'll have an extra hour. But don't count on it. I'll try to get a CSI: NY thing up at some point, though. EVERYBODY MUST WATCH TONIGHT---SOMEBODY'S LEAVING THE SHOW. If it's Flack, we should all send hate letters to CBS, ok???