Monday, October 10, 2005

Grey's Anatomy and Comment Spam

Note: I had to put up a word verification on this blog too, as I'm really tired of random anonymous spammers trying to save my soul. My soul is just fine, thank you very much. How is yours??? Anyhoodles, please keep commenting, you just type in the word shown below where you sign in. Thank you!!!

So last night I watched Grey's Anatomy for the first time this season. I have been keepingup to date with it via a friend whose life revolves around Sunday nights on ABC, but I digress. Apparently, Cristina decided that abortion was bad, and broke up with Burke, Shephard's wife came back and is being annoyingly sweet to Meredith, who is up to her ears in crap because her mom needed care and came to Seattle General. Yeah, there's nothing like actually having to deal with a sick parent, is there, Meredith???

In last nights episode of the Young and the Brilliant, they think Meredith's mom has cancer. Actually, Meredith hopes she does because then things would be over quickly. This is our heroine??? She sleeps with a married guy and then wishes her mother will die more quickly??? Wow, it makes those hos on Desperate Housewives look nice!!!

And Cristina had some trouble and ended up bleeding out of her fallopian tube, where the baby implanted itself. And baby dies. Kind of a bummer. But Burke came back to see her. The most annoying part was when they were all sitting in Cristina's room and that awful voiceover starts with Meredith saying something inspirational like "You're gonna fall. But you'll be able to have your friends get you up again or something crappy like that...the woman lost her baby! You don't use your friends to get back from that!!! Sheesh.

Anyhoodles, still a guilty pleasure that I undoubtedly will keep watching, but they must lose the voiceover!!!

Will have CSI: Miami stuff up tomorrow...

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