Thursday, May 12, 2005

Alias- Killer Bees

Okay, this episode wasn't really about killer bees. That was just the first part and the only title I could think of , except perhaps "Writers had better stop putting in so many "tender" father/daughter sister/sister scenes or I'm going to throw up". I thought that would be nasty. Ooooh, and I have some news, from the venerable source TV Guide...


Okay, Lena Olin has definately been rehired. For those of you know don't know, Lena Olin plays Irina Derevkov, Sydney's Russian (what else?) mom who was bumped off by Daddy at the end of last season. She also had an affair with Sloane (the real one) and gave birth to Nadia, which leads me to constantly marvel on how one woman can have two such perfect looking daughters. 'Cause, really, I love Jack to death, but hardly fantastic genetic material, and Sloane? *gag*

Anyhoodles, she's not just back in flashbacks!!! She's still alive, which means Jack didn't off her, and therefore Sydney can stop being so awkward with him! Yay!

And Vaughn is going to propose!! Probably right before that freaky-ass Rambaldi armegeddon or something, but hey, it's the thought that counts, no?


Alright, this was a really long, complicated episode with a lot of names that ended in -ov, and I really don't remember all those, so we're just going to summerize. It opened with Sloane Clone at some freaky monestary where all the monks were playing with bees. I guess they got tired of translating from Latin. Anyhoo, S.C. apparenlty knows the head priest at them monestary, who, in what is apparently an attempt to be modern, wears a black t-shirt instead of the Roman collar. I guess when you're raising killer bees to breed a super-race or something equally as implausible, tradition doesn't mean so much. Whatever. Well, this guy, Father Whats-His-Name (I'm pretty sure it ended in -ov, though), won't give S.C. what he wants. As we all know from the unfortunate belt-sander incident a couple of weeks ago, S.C. is not going to take this information lying down. Instead, he releases something into the air that causes all the bees (who were perfectly harmless before) to go all crazy and kill all the monks. Then S.C. shoots Father Whats-His-Name.

Honestly, that that's as much as I remember. Watch the season finale!!!

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