Friday, May 19, 2006

Finales Galore

Wow- so much to watch and write about!!!! Four shows ended last night, with five hours of viewing, which posed a slight logistical problem as there are only three hours in primetime. But no worries, as I watched the taped stuff this morning.

I'll get the biggies out of the way first- Will and Grace ended last night. And it sucked. Not in the sad, "Oh, my friends are gone!!!!" kind of suck, but the "Wow. They just totally stomped on my faithful viewership and completely ruined the last episode" kind.

Okay, I knew this was going to happen. I knew they were going to fastforward into the future so we see how the characters ended up. This was troubling. Because unless they followed my fantasies exactly (which, let's face it, was unlikely) there was no way for changing the ending in my mind ala Gone With the Wind (Rhett totally met up with Scarlett at Tara).

But almost the entire thing took place like twenty years in the future. The premise was that Grace remarried Leo because she had a dream that she and Will would end up unhappy if they stayed together. And then Will and Vince adopted a little boy, and Grace and Leo had a little girl. And didn't talk for two years. So Karen, who has lost her fortune, and Jack, who is now pimping himself out to Beverly Leslie, get them back together for one night, and then they fall out of touch again. Until Lila and Ben (the kids) meet their first day of college (which, btw, was totally NOT how Will and Grace met) and they fall in love and end up getting married.

Which was the ONLY bright spot of the night, knowing that Will and Grace are really related now. Well, that and Kevin Bacon playing Jack's husband in Grace's dream. "I had my 'Kyra Forever' tattoo lasered off and it's starting to bleed." HAHAHAHAHA.

But my Will and Grace would not have split up over a dream. I think I'd be happier if they'd been in some autistic kid's snowglobe for the last eight years.

CSI also wrapped up last night, althoug not for good. Which is quite good, as I don't think I would feel quite the same about the world without CSI. I really hope it's still on in twenty years like ER.

Anyhoodles, it was quite good. Loved all the tender Grissom/Dying Brass scenes. And what the hell does Ellie have to be so upset about??? Just 'cause Daddy didn't support your decision to become a crack ho doesn't mean he doesn't love you, moron. I think I'd want Grissom to be in charge of my medical power of attorney as opposed to the angry prostitute, too.

Did NOT, however, love the tender Grissom/Very Alive Sara scene at the end. WTF??? Rock that cradle of love, Gil. And I totally ship Grillows and Stidle, so I was upset that one from each of those groups ended up in robes together. I'm holding out that in September it'll turn out that they all went to a spa or something to get over the whole Brass incident and that's why they were alone in robes. *shivers*

But we are quite glad that Brass pulled through. Especially that last scene when they're all there. Awww...

Just two teeny problems- Victorian and Elizabethan periods were three hundred and fifty years apart, and they were using them practically interchangably. And the Civil War did not intersect with either of them in this country, especially in the South. And male corsets were never common. Not in any of the three eras that they were talking about. It might have happend, but it was not common.

Without a Trace ended, too, for the season. With a shootout, no less. Oh the drama. And Mary Elizabeth Mastriantonio (wow, that's a mouthful), was taken hostage. Oh snap. And she's preggers with Jack's kid. Oh bigger snap.

Okay, I'd just like to say that if anybody ever was incredulous that I was pregnant because I was too old, their corpse would have been found in the water below. Seriously, Jack. What the hell were you thinking???

Finally, That '70's Show had it's finale last night. This is the way to do a finale. Jackie finally kisses Fez, the Forman's don't move, Kelso comes back just as stupid as ever, Hyde inherits the record store from his dad, Eric comes back and makes up with Donna, and it ends with a circle where they talk about the same stuff they did in the first one (I'm not a big drug-use promoter, but this one was sweet). The British kid freaked me out a little, but it was still good.

Why couldn't Will and Grace have done that???

Anyhoodles, it's not over yet children. Numbers tonight, then Alias and CSI:Miami on Monday, and Lost on Wednesday. I'm exhausted... :)


Anonymous said...

OHHHHHHHH......I loved the 70 was just as good as it could be.....Kelso and Eric and the entire gang....the classic Red line...."just when I thought Florida couldn't get any better, they reinstate the death penalty"....OMG I laughed sooooooooo hard I hurt!!!!!! Red is just tooooooooo funny!!! I love that show....I will miss it, but without Kelso and Eric it just wasn't the same....even though I love all the other characters!!!! Will and Grace are on tape so I haven't see it yet....I didn't read that part of your blog!! CSI and W/O a just toooooo good.....but NOT GRISSOM AND SARAH....YUK!!!!!!...BAD MATCH!!!!!

CMT said...

Shower and a Xanax. Ughghghghgh. Will I ever feel clean again...

Oh I didn't see That 70's Show!