Tuesday, May 16, 2006

You Love Crazy Until Crazy Loves You

Okay, I had six and a half total hours of stuff to watch that was on last night. And ended up watching four and a half of it today---good thing I don't have my hours worked out yet- I don't have time to work.

Anyhoodles, more finales and such coming up tonight and tomorrow (CSI:NY---NO!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T TAKE IT FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), so I'll just run down the list...k???

Grey's Anatomy~

Okay, the season finale was three hours long. THREE. And because I forgot to tape it Sunday night, I did a marathon view this afternoon. I'm a little tired and in need of fluids, but I'm okay. I know you're all thrilled.

Anyhoodles, this whole thing could have been very easily summed up in half an hour. Izzie cuts Denny LVAD wires, essentially killing him so that he can get another heart, Burke gets shot en route getting aformentioned heart and loses feeling in his right hand (not a good thing for a thoracic surgeon) and then turns to his every supportive girlfriend Cristina who is...nowhere to be found. Really. She like totally avoided him for the entire night. Crazy bitch. Meredith's dog has cancer and ends up dying (sadness) and she eases her grief by doing the freak nasty with McDreamy (who, by the way, was probably given the moniker while in a tux. Wow.) in some random hospital room (ew!!! unsanitary!!!) while the Chief of Surgery's cancer-ridden niece is having a prom with all the attendings, for the sole reason of letting everybody get dressed up and pretty.

*deep breath* Okay, are we all caught up???

But then Denny proposes and Izzie freaks out and then Denny dies anyway and Alex gets all sweet and non-manwhory and carries Izzie off of his dead body (eww....). Cristina finally acts like an actual human being and goes back to her poor boyfriend who can actually move his hand now (YAY!!!!), and Callie and George make up. And frankly, I'm happy because Callie's even bigger than me in that dress (and the hair was not a good look if you ask me.). So everybody's dead or really unhappy and the the final shot is of Meredith choosing between McDreamy and the vet who is totally a better choice for her because he's not like married or whatever but he's not as hot.

It was freakin' awesome. :)


CSI: Miami was...well, actually pretty predictable. We kind of saw everything happen in the trailer, and you could pretty much tell that Marisol was going down, although I kind of thought they'd let her hang around until cancer ripped her and perhaps their unborn baby's life out of Horatio's hands. But it turns out she wasn't even pregnant like we were promised by TV Guide earlier in the year. Crazy TV Guide. You are dead to me.

But if cancer had gotten her, then there would not have been that unbelievably awesome moment when Horatio and Delko, who together have got to be the scariest, most crazed, most competant vigilantes EVER, identify the person who shot her and then they're just like, "Oh, it's on now, bitch.". And you're sitting in your living room going, "Yeah! Bitch goin' down!!!!!!!!" Or at least I was. *ahem*

The notable exception to the predictability was the whole Gloria story line, which gave me the title, or one of the best lines ever. I LOVED it.

How I Met Your Mother~

WTF, Marshall and Lily broke up!?!?!?!? NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are so cute together!!!! I love them together!!!!! Does this mean Alyson Hannigan isn't going to be on the show anymore???? Hmmm???? Somebody help me here!!! And I want Robin to be the Mother so badly!!!! Even though I totally know she's not.

And I wouldn't really mind if they revealed the mother---everybody knew Ray and Debra were going to stay together and everybody in the country still watched Everybody Loves Raymond.

Can't wait until September!!!!


Okay, I honestly don't remember what happened. It was before the three hour Young and Horny marathon. Oh, wait, it's coming back to me. The recording is gone and the prez is using it to blow up a Russian submarine. Yep. That's pretty much it.

Oh, and Audrey's back and perfectly healthy. The wonders of what a good twenty minute nap will do for you.

I'm totally in love with this show. I especially love how at the end it cuts to like six different scenes just to remind you exactly how much they still have to tie up in the coming episodes, like "oh, yeah, you forgot about that part didn't you?? Well, we didn't, and somebody's probably gonna die..." Must watch season finale next week.

Whew, I'm tired. I'm off in search of sustiance.

Oh, and y'all probably notice the absence of a CSI recap. Well, it wasn't because it wasn't unbelievably awesome, but I'm gonna wait and do one after the second part of the finale. Can't wait!!!


rockford said...

"Can't wait until September!!!!" - I think this should be your new middle name - we should have thought of it when you were born....I hope you have replenished your fluids and gotten some much need rest - your eyes must hurt!!!! Anyway, thanks for the recap - even though I "watched" CSI:Miami I still needed the recap - in fact I did not even know there was a Gloria story line - that is how well I watch -- too bad things could not have worked out for H - he deserves to be happy!! Now I know that I am not a fan of grey's anatomy but three hours of ANY show seems a bit excessive for a single episode, doesn't it - I mean that is long for a movie!!! I wish that I had watched how I met your mother with tou guys - it sounds like it could be good...oh well, there is always next season:) Enjoy the rest of your tapes and we'll be watching for the updates!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow.......Miami was soooooooo good.....when H and Delko got that look of "don't get in our way"....it was way over the top!!!!!!!.....go get um boys:):):):).....I prefer the killing death to the sickness death....sounds strange I know but I just love cop shows and not so much medical shows....just not my thing!!!!.....did I call it on how I met your mother??????....I knew Lily and Marshal were headed for trouble and Robin and Ted were headed for looooooovvvvveeeee!!!!!...goood show and I too hope they keep all the characters!!!!!!...great blog...keep it up you do a great job....:):):)