Saturday, November 05, 2005

21 Jump Street

Yes, I know the show ended fourteen years ago. That's not the point.

Do you know what those bastards did now??? I, as a faithful Johnny devotee, have been faithfully purchasing every single freakin' season as they are released, and even sitting through all of the episodes because 1.) It's Johnny!!!, and 2.) I find Peter DeLouise's hair funny. Finally they released the fourth season, the one where Johnny leaves, and I thought I could finally stop buying them.

Not so.

Johnny's last episode on the series was the season finale of season four, which is mysteriously missing from the season four DVD. Hmmm. Turns out that the producers thought that it "belonged with season five" and included it on the season five DVD (presumably to be released in a couple of months.) Friggin' bastards!!!! They know their show sucks and nowbody would buy it if Johnny wasn't in it!!! So I have to cough up thirty bucks for a forty minute episode.

Who else thinks this is false advertising or something???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do wish you could learn to express just isn't good to keep your feelings to yourself....please tell us how you feel!!!!! :):):)...When do you expect that season to be released???