Friday, November 18, 2005

Random Selection of Shows

I've been watching a lot of TV lately, and just wanted to run down the list...

House was on on Tuesday---yay!!!! Love House!!! Best show ever (aside from the CSIs...those will rule forever...). Funny, I know it was a good episode, but I don't really remember what it was about...oh, a biker who is using blood doping to win. And then gets sick. And then gets cured thanks to House. Yay!!! And when he and Mark are arguing in the cafeteria, "This is like watching Oscar Wilde and Noel Coward in the third grade...." HAHAHA... Next week's looks good, too.

Lost kicked a** this week, not the gentle pushing of last week. They recounted the first forty-eight days on the island from the point of view of the "tailies" (those from the tail of the plane). First, I would like to say that Michelle Rodriguez scares me. I get the feeling that she could beat me up and then spit on me or something. *shivers* She should not be with Jack... And we learn that Rose's Bernard is still alive. Yay!!! They can be together again!!! Oooh, and this side of the island found a list with names of people that the Others are going to be taking. *gasp*

Unfortunately, Guy Who Kind of Looks Like Sean Bean is dead. Bummer. And after only one episode, too.

And we found out that only the survivors from the first season mean anything sentimentally to the public. In the last couple of minutes, they show the tailies interacting with the other guys, and both Imladris and I were going, "Oh! It's our castaways now!!!" And then I realized that the thirty million other people who watch this every week were probably saying the same thing. I feel like of bad for the tailies. Somebody should adopt them.

And cheers to CSI:NY for giving Flack more of a presence on the show. And for giving Lindsay something else to do than just act awkward and shy around the rest of the group. Flack's lines in the beginning of the show were absolutely hilarious. And next week's look really creepy, so everybody should watch, k???

And I saw CSI: Original las night. It was the ending of a two-parter. Really good, and I'm not really even that into the show. Seriously, does anybody else think that everybody should just back off and let the CSI's do their thing??? In practically every single episode IAB is all "I'm giving you forty-eight hours and then I'm arresting the wrong guy just because I feel like it..." Crazies. Leave them alone!!!! Poor Brass, though. Sadness.

And how great did the previews for next week look??? My dad was commenting on how interesting my sister and I are going to be during it, as it is Thanksgiving and we will be partaking in all that entails, I am sure... ;) Yes, Grandpa, this is your legacy. Tipsy granddaughters yelling at fake people on television. Be glad it's not NY...that could be really embarrassing...

Finally, there was one show that I didn't watch this week, mainly because it wasn't on. FOX cut Arrested Development's episode order from 24 to 13, which means it will probably be cancelled. Bugger. I can't really blame FOX, because they stuck with it longer than any network probably should have, but it's still sad. I so want the DVDs for Christmas now...

Anyhoodles, I'm going to be gone tonight, but everybody have a good weekend!!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah.....Thanksgiving and CSI...what a night....I think the legacy includes some other tipsy relatives yelling at fake people....but it's soooooooo fun!!!):):) Can't wait!!!! And I agree....just leave the CSI people alone...they know what they are doing.....but it wouldn't make for as good a show....:):):) I felt soooooo bad for Brass....but the final hug helped him.....

I hate to tell you but I did read that Arrested D has been it out on DVD yet?????

mi_morena said...

yeah, the first two seasons are out already, and season three is, well, for all intents and purposes, over...

I knew about it a couple of days ago, I just didn't have time to post about it. Crazy FOX. Cancel Pamela Anderson's sitcom. Nobody watches that!!!

I'm glad Brass got a hug... :)