Wednesday, November 02, 2005

CSI: Miami/NY

First of all, I didn't mean for the title to allude to next week's crossover episodes, but it totally did. So, while we're at it, how psyched are we??? (Apparently so much so that I felt the need to revert to 1985...) Can't wait!!! Imladris also said that there was a killer commercial out there, so you all should watch CBS until next Monday, k???

What I really meant to do was touch on the last couple of episodes of these shows. Unfortunately, I've been too busy to write long things about them, but I have been watching religiously. Miami's been kind of blah this season, except when they delve into Horatio's past. That gets interesting. But Delko's just a druggie, Valera is inexplicably back (didn't she get fired???), and Ryan is acting like a spoiled little baby. Calleigh can't carry the show all by herself. This Monday's was a repeat (O.J. is innocent!!!), but the last one was really good. Except that we all learned that watching David Caruso on a date is kind of painful. And I was very confused by the end. I was unsure of who was who. I hate it when CSI gets above my head. Then I feel really stupid...

NY has been really good this season. The whole feel is lighter, including Stella's hair. Thankfully, Flack's hair has grown out a little. Whew. That was a bad one. I'm still not sure about Newbie, though. Although it was kind of a funny moment last Wednesday when she started rubbing that vanilla stuff all over Mac's face and he's like "What the hell is she doing?" and Stella was practically foaming at the mouth. HAHAHA. I love it. New episode tonight, too. YAY!!!

House, my other favorite show, came back last night after five freakin' weeks off the air because of baseball (FYI, that was spat...). And I didn't even get to see it. I am such a good Catholic. *sniff* No, I watched the DVD as soon as I got home...super good episode, and we learned that Cameron is only attractecd to dying guys or House. Hmmm. That's weird. Again, Wilson hung around the whole episode without anything to do. I mean, there was a cancer side story, but he wasn't involved with that. Is he like the oncologist on call or something??? Anyhoodles, I like him much better in this than committing unspeakable acts in Dead Poets Society, so yeah...Colleen thinks that Chase is getting hotter this season, too, so everybody should watch for that, okay???

Didn't get a chance to see Boston Legal last night...can anybody tell me what happened???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry I didn't see Boston Legal last night know I have that "Law and Order situation" the way Law and Order was just outstanding last night.....I never saw most of it coming!!!!! I think the combo CSI next week looks great....I am even giving up the Wednesday Law and Order to watch part 2.....Why oh why are the "Law and Order" and "CSI" shows soooooo great and sooooo many.....I can't watch that much!!!!!!! :):):):)