Friday, September 23, 2005

CSI! CSI! OMG, CSI! And other shows...

Yes, it was the season premiere of CSI: Original last night... a long-awaited night for many in my household. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to get into that show. No matter how hard I try. I know it's the best from an artistic standpoint of the three, and the characters and stories are great, and just the fact that it's set in Vegas is enough to ensure lifelong viewership from certain members of my family, but I just can't get into it. This is strange, as I arguably spend more time thinking/talking about the other CSI characters than the actual people in my life, but I digress.

Hysterical Breaking News Flash: Warrick got married!!!!! "What?!?!??!" you say? I know, I did too!!! Shocking. This is so going to hurt his relationship with Catherine...why is Jerry Bruckheimer intent on screwing up all of my CSI's relationships????? Cases in point: Mac spent the summer with some whore, and Yelena did a Casablanca and ended up in the Caribbean with "dead" Ray. The bastard. And now this!!! I don't know what to believe in anymore!!!
End Hysterical Breaking News Flash.

I did, however, watch most of it. I didn't really get it. I know somebody died with a skank in bed in a trailer park (what else is new???) and then sombody drove a car through the "house" and killed them. I don't get it. And then there was this car that they found that had been sitting out in the heat for six days...with two dead bodies in the trunk. Yeah, you know that one's not going to be pretty. Grissom suggested a "car condom" to transport the car back to the lab. Thank you, Grissom. That was lovely. I really needed to know that.

Yeah, I stopped watching towards the end, so I don't know what happened. But I do know that is was darn near impossible to parody. Talk to Imladris if you want to know the ending.

I do, however, have some gossip, from the venerable source TV Guide---


Supposedly, there's the one case in a couple of episodes that takes Greg, Grissom, and Sara to another city. And Greg and Grissom share a room. But Greg snores. So Grissom goes and spends the night with Sara. (!!!!!!!!!)

Morality Note: I don't condone this.

Omigosh!!!!! The juiciness of it all!!!! :D:D:D:D Now, supposedly nothing happens, but still!!! Not to mention Sara's been having fantasies about this since Day 1. I even know that, and I've seen like three episodes.


I watched some other shows last night, too. Like I've stated before, I'll watch almost anything once. The most promising was "Everbody Hates Chris", on UPN at seven. Normally, I would have watched Joey, but I can't stomach him and Alex as a couple. *shivers* And it's not nearly as funny as last year (which is saying something, because it wasn't that funny last year!!!).

But that was amazing. I was laughing the entire half hour. "School shootings are like rock and roll, something that black men invented and white men stole." I'm still laughing!!! Oh, and "The principal did something with a little girl that we are not allowed to mention because of network censors. But if the principal moves to your neighborhood, you'll get a notice." HAHAHAHA

Despite the fact that it's on UPN, the network the other networks try to avoid in the hallways and never admit to knowing so that it's forced to sit with the WB and all those gorgeous, moody teens at lunch, this is definately one of the most promising new shows I've seen this season. Everyone should watch!!!

ER was on last night, too. I watched most of it, but it's kind of losing it's edge. I still like it because of Kovac (or my predisposition for recently formed eastern European nations), and they made some strong moves with putting those new interns in, but it'll never get back what it lost with Carter. Even if John Stamos joins the cast. Pretty much Sam and Luka ran around midwest looking for Alex. And then inexplicably ended up in a prison. Where Sam told Luka she didn't want to have more children (why????? He's like the best genetic speciman you could get!!!!) and I think they broke up. But I'm not sure. I'll watch next week, I promise.

So yeah, that was pretty much all I watched last night. Boring, I know. There's nothing on on Friday nights, and I'm going to a movie tonight, so I probably won't have anything up tomorrow. We'll see, though. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No matter what happens on the Vegas CSI.....I must always watch because it shows great shots of "VEGAS BABY"....once again you have written great reviews. I didn't see the Chris Rock show, but now I want to see it based on your review!!! Keep up the good work.