Sunday, September 25, 2005


Note: I changed the template again. The last one wasn't working for me. I'll probably be experimenting for awhile...

Wow, I have a new favorite show. This show is awesome. I tuned in because I though (stupidly) that ABC was running all of their season premieres in one week (I must learn not to trust the alphabet network...), and wanted to see Hope and Faith, as much as it kills me to admit it. But, alas, ABC was toying with my affections again, and had this show on instead.

Last season, I contemplated watching it, but the woman annoyed me too much. I figured she was too Mary Poppins to suceed on network tv. And I was right. This season, it's the same woman, but suddenly she is out of those awful ill-fitting suits and into cute clothes, with her hair down and styled as opposed to the bun that seemed like the epitome of British restraint. In the words of Captain Norrington "This is some very restrained acting right here..." She's actually quite pretty. And bigger than me. I love that about women on TV.

But she's still Supernanny!!! Although what made her an authority on the subject, I have no idea, as she's single and not a mother. It's a lot easier to deal with children when you...don't actually have to deal with them...yeah...who hired her???

Anyhoodles, this week she was helping some poor family with two daughters, one of whom was developmentally disabled, and a little boy. Oh, and a father that resolved his issues with a "firm tap"...or a whack. Whatever you want to call it. I'm seeing little Julius ending up in juvie for "firmly tapping" the hell out of his girlfriend...

But that's not the point. The mom really wanted Jo there. And the Dad really didn't. The mom paid attention and followed Jo's instructions, or "techniques", even if they took hours. Dad groused for the half hour he actually did work, and then watched TV. All while Jo sat in their bedroom looking quite comfortable going "Now, mum, you must follow the bedtime technique...Dad, where are you going?"

I think Mom and Dad have some problems that Jo cannot help them with. Unless she has a masters in couples therapy.

So poor mom would haul her ass out into the hallway and drag whatever spawn of her love had crawled out of his/her room back to bed while Dad was like "This is totally bs." Well, he didn't really say that, although I wouldn't be surprised if ABC just edited it out, but you could totally tell that's what he was thinking. That and "Why the hell is there a British nanny in my bedroom???"

Ooooh, and the naughty chair. One cannot express in writing how absolutely ridiculous this sounded. Just can't. But it did. I guess it worked, though, because little Julius stopped throwing the naughty chair after about fifteen times. Hehehehe...that part was funny.

Anyhoodles, this is a rather addicting show, and as it's up against absolutely nothing of interest (that I could find...correct me if I'm wrong) I would suggest watching. Fridays at 7.

Lots of TV tomorrow and Tuesday nights, so expect frequent updates...

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