Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Note: You can see what I think of FOX, and the MLB, and everyone who ever thought throwing a ball around constituted fun on my other blog, linked on the sidebar. Grrr.

I planned on watching Commander-in-Chief last night on ABC, because it looked semi-interesting, and I'm a sucker for anything presdential (I even sit through The West Wing). However, when it comes down to a viewing decision between Mr. Little and Mrs. Little, guess who's gonna win??? However, due to the abovementioned note, I'll have plenty of free time on Tuesdays for the next five weeks, so expect something next week, k???

Yeah, I watched House last night. It was friggin' awesome. I love this show. It should play for twenty years. Hugh Laurie should have won the Emmy. It's amazing.

In this episode, Cuddy's handyman falls off her roof after she made him go up there even though he has asthma. And then he gets gangrene in his hand and a bunch of other stuff happens that's too complicated to desribe. And it was all so well-written I can't even parody it.

It was a hilarious episode, though. When they break into Cuddy's house, and House jumps on her bed, or the "She uses super-tampons. What does that mean?" line??? HAHAHAHAHA!!!

But the best part was that Wilson was in the entire episode- almost every shot. Now, this would not be an abnormal occurence, except that they never even thought for one minute that the guy had cancer. They had absolutely no need for an oncologist whatsoever, and yet he was there all the time. Just hanging around. I want to work there. It seems like so much fun!!! I'd tell everybody to watch it, except it'd not going to be on for thirty-five days. And I can't tell you to buy the DVD because I don't want anybody supporting them finacially. But come November 1st, everybody had better be there with bells on!!!!

I have to get to class now, but I'll have a Boston Legal one up when I get home. :)

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