Wednesday, April 12, 2006

CSI:Miami and Lost Conspiracy Theories

I don't actually have any, because I'm not smart enough to figure it out. I didn't realize that Sawyer was long-conning the girlfriend until he told her. I'm a moron. But in honor of the new episode tonight (Rose and Bernard backstory-yay!!!), I thought I'd help y'all out by giving you wonderful links to various different sites that have way too many people with way too much time on their hands. Said the girl who updates her blog freakishly often. Anyhoodles, this one is kind of weird, but it focuses on the Numbers. This one has really good recaps and discussion, and this one is just a general fan site, which we know is going to be good upon opening because there's a picture of Jack RIGHT THERE on the opening page. *swoons* Did you know he has a penchant for walking around the set naked? ..........

*ahem* Back to reality (well, not really...), CSI:Miami was awesome this week, even though I totally didn't understand any of it. I know there was money laundering going on (which, call me crazy, always makes me think of people washing money...) and a drug cartel, and dead people in a bathtub in an abandoned hotel. And these two crazies named Jude and Sienna...oh, I'm sorry, Leo and Sienna. I kept mentally referring to him as Jude throughout the whole episode. I can't help it. I'm a pop culture whore (like the nanny!! HAHA!!!).

I don't actually get what their whole purpose was, except to be pretty and annoyingly horny and jump off a bridge at the end. You wann know how screwed up I am? Why they were hurling themselves over the edge all I could think was how pretty Sienna's coat was and how I would never want to get water on that. Loved the kicky music as they were killing themselves, then it turned all somber as soon as they were over the edge. And the entire Miami Dade Police Department had them surrounded and they were running towards the side of the bridge. What the hell did you think they were doing??? Looking at the pretty fishies???? NO!!! You shoot them in the leg or something- now you have no suspects!!!! Ugh. I was having flashbacks to Thelma and Louise and Imladris was yelling, "Keep driving, Themlma!" Why couldn't H in his infinate wisdome figure this baby out??? Ugh.

And that bastard from the Very Important Department of Money Laundering who asked Calleigh out for a drink in the video game episode is back and Calleight is just like, "*scoffs* Get away from me, ass****". Good for her.

Okay, I just lost this entire post and it magically reappeared. So I'm not going to question the Blogspot gods and simply post, okay???

One final thing, everybody must watch Teachers. It's quite funny, and we must support Riley from National Treasure.


Anonymous said...

Oh CSI was great!!!! The reason they needed Leo and Seinna was because they stole the money from the van without the thugs knowing about and Mr. Banker assumed the thugs stole the million.....if the horny couple hadn't taken the money from the van when they stole the red car...the correct amount of money would have been delivered and the two bathtub guys would not have been killed....that is my take on why they needed to be part of the story:):):) I may not be correct, but that is my theory:):) we never saw them remove the bodies so I am also thinking that they were "floating" and might escape as the powers that be try to rescue them...just a thought and yes I loved her coat!!!!...oh isn't that reporter just starting to tick you off....????? I will watch teachers because if you say it is good MUST be good....:):)

Anonymous said...

I want Erica Sikes to die. Or loosen up a little bit. But whatever she's doing now, she should stop...

Okay, I get the Leo and Seinna thing now- I missed the first couple minutes because I was trying to make it abundantly clear that we would not be wtachign the apprentice when H was on.

~Kathleen---I don't want to sign in...

Anonymous said...

OH yeah if H is on....we must watch:):):):) ....and to think I realllllllly hated him on NYPD Blue...I was soooooooooo glad when he left...go figure????????

CMT said...

*ahem* It's "Let's Keep Goin' Themla"