Saturday, February 25, 2006

Crapload of Shows

First- Supernanny is coming back next Monday. Yay---craziness...

I didn't have a whole lot of time on Thursday or Friday, so I had like three hours of shows to watch today. Luckily, I have no life and this did not pose a problem. :p

Anyhoodles, I'm totally in love with Numbers. It's really good!!! Even with all that math crap. And it gives me something to watch on Friday. Although tha main girl's accent is getting a little annoying. It's like New York meets Canada meets southern California...scary. This week's was a very confusing military story that I totally didn't understand but enjoyed anyway. And the two brothers are fighting over this girl that they used to know in high school and is now inexplicably getting married in their backyard. That was the same girl who played the DA in Miami that they brought in last season to make Horatio nervous for a few episodes before realizing that nobody cares about what CSIs do after they go home.

As if I didn't have enough shows to watch on Wednesday (new Lost and CSI:NY this week!!!!!!! I'm literally dying of happiness...), I am now completely addicted to Criminal Minds, which I cannot believe is not a Jerry Bruckheimer show because of how much I love it. And we all know how much I love pretty much anything he does. Except the accents confused me a bit (maybe anonymous can help)- were they like on location or something, because everybody they talked to had a really annoying southern accent, and then all the FBI guys or whatever sounded perfectly normal. And then I started thinking- when was the last time there was a main character on a TV drama with a southern accent??? I can't think of one.

CSI was the repeat of that awesome episode with the "missing" little boy and the two sets of parents---absolutely unbelievably good. I am now totally into Vegas.

Without a Trace was repeat, but I just started watching that show so I've never seen it. Jack and some guy I don't know (I only know Jack because he played Daphne's brother Simon on funny...everytime I see him I think of him playing drunk and with an accent...actually undermines the credibility of the show a little bit...) are in Mexico helping this woman who we all knew two minutes in was guilty of something because she was being such a bitch about getting help. Because if I was in trouble in Mexico you can bet your ass that I'd be fully exercising every single one of my rights as a US citizen. But it was really good-I'm glad Rosa didn't have anything to do with it, because she just seemed very nice. And at the end when the guy goes, "What happens in Mexico stays in Mexico," I was like, "Yeah! Lock her ass up!!!!" Ahem, sorry. Got a little carried away, there.

The other thing I've been watching pretty much all the time because it's the only thing that won't offend the Boy or my mom (generally there aren't gay jokes or naked people- although did you see that Ukrainian's costume????) in primetime. And I have to say, it's been very interesting. Sasha Cohen and Irina Slutskaya both fell flat on their behinds within minutes of each other, paving the way for a less-polished skater from Japan. Who looked like somebody punched her when she won. Kind of cute. And I don't know, I just don't like Sasha Cohen. Somebody else on the web said she looked like of like that popular pretty girl that you went to high school with and was never very nice. That could be completely wrong, but I just didn't warm to her.

And we got another Russian sob story, except this one was without subtitles. Although they needed them, because Irina has one hell of an accent let me tell you. This time it was that mom is having kidney failure and Irina has to skate through the pain. Awww...I am such an emotional pushover. I actually wanted her to win after that.

And did you know that Johnny Weir went to practice wearing an old USSR jacket??? The Ukrainians and Lithuanians were probably standing backstage going, "Hey!!! That's not nice!!!", while the Russians were just like, "Eh, the good old days. We thought they'd never end. Remember when we put men the womens swimming races, and nobody noticed! Good times..." (Okay, I stole the swimmer thing from Imladris, but this time I'm giving her credit, so she can't get mad.)

Whew, I'm tired. And nothing is on tonight, except for Forrest Gump, which isn't exactly bloggable, so I'll put something up maybe on Monday, as I most certainly will be watching Grey's Anatomy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh anonymous would be most happy to help you understand the "accents"....Criminal Minds is such a must see show and I too am confused and feel that Jerry B must be using a "fake" name and is really behind this fabulous show.....but I digress...the accents were because the FBI profile team gets called in to situations all over the country based on need. Last week the murders were in a small town in Tennessee so the team flew there to take over...that is why the end of the show always has the team on a plane because they are going home. I think home is DC, but since the story is never there I just can't swear to that!!!! The funny blonde lady with the big glasses who is always working a million computers and "flirting" with the guys stays behind and helps them from the "command post". I am soooooooo glad you like that show......I just think it is fabulous. On another note.....popular pretty girls who aren't nice....oh please explain this concept to me:):):) Back to great TV....yes Without a Trace is wonderful....never miss it!!!! I can't believe that Mom and the Boy don't like these outstanding shows........!!!!!!! I watched something else this week because I did remember all the details of Without a Trace in Mexico!!!! Somthing else caught my eye, but I don't remember what it was.....saw Numbers tonight for the fist time....ok there just isn't enough time for me to watch all the great shows....Numbers is wonderful!!!!! Isn't that the guy from Northern Exposure????? Or didn't you ever watch that was good!!!! Keep up the good blog work.....I lover reading them:):):)